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Grammar and Punctuation

at St Wilfrid's CE Primary School

Teaching Grammar and Punctuation

In KS1 and EYFS, skills in grammar and punctuation are taught during writing lessons where objectives are modelled to them and children apply this into their writing – for example, using capital letters and full stops. In year 2, children move into having further focused grammar and punctuation lessons when they have completed their phonics programme. Grammar and punctuation skills are also taught in writing lessons and are linked to the grammar/punctuation arising from our text-based approach to writing.

In KS2, GPS skills and terminology are taught within the content of a writing lesson and the objectives to be covered are grammar and punctuation related – for example, to use expanded noun phrases, to use inverted commas. Children are taught what the technical vocabulary means and how that skill can be used within their writing. They explore grammar and punctuation features across different genres of writing through their learning and children are then taught to incorporate these skills into their writing making them more able to manipulate their vocabulary effectively in their work. Lessons are well-paced and involve discussion. 

Previous learning is recapped and when new skills are introduced, they are practised together as a class, in pairs and in groups. The skill is modelled to them in a variety of ways and the children are taught to identify these features before applying them into their own writing. 

Children should be given opportunity to think critically and apply what they have learnt during sessions – for example, True or False: All questions start with what, when, why, where, who, how. 

Children should be assessed on their grammar and punctuation knowledge and skills each session and in writing sessions, as well as through formal testing on GPS skills. See our spelling guidance for information about the teaching of spellings at St.Wilfrid’s. 

Throughout each year group, teachers ensure the knowledge and skills in grammar and punctuation are covered. An overview of the year group expectations and progression is attached below, along with a glossary of terminology. 

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