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Arithmetic Tests

at St Wilfrid's CE Primary School

Rising Stars Arithmetic Tests

Every week, children in Year 2 to 6 complete an Arithmetic Test. This contains a range of questions testing the children on all areas of calculation. There are 12 tests per term: Autumn, Spring and Summer. To view a sample of our Rising Stars Arithmetic Tests, please see the overview at the bottom of the page. 

Arithmetic Tests at home… 

As a school, we have access to Testbase. Through Testbase, there are 10 core arithmetic tests matched to the standard expected for each year group. Each core arithmetic test ranges in difficulty from easy to challenging.

How to Use the Tests

The suggested time allowed is 30 minutes. For Years 5 and 6, there are extension papers for an extra challenge if you get over 90% of the standard arithmetic paper correct. Once you have attempted to answer all the questions, check your answers using the answer sheet provided at the end of each test. For any incorrect answers, write the correct answer and most importantly explain why you made a mistake or explain the method to get the correct answer.

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