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at St Wilfrid's CE Primary School

We provide a music curriculum that is an opportunity for children to engage in a creative way that promotes enjoyment and love of music and develops their talent as musicians.  We believe that children should learn to listen, play, compare and evaluate music. During their time at St Wilfrid's CE, children have a range of musical experiences including learning an instrument (glockenspiels, tin whistles and ukulele). We also want children to be exposed to a diverse range of music, new and old, and how to listen out for different instruments and features such as pulse, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. 

Children’s confidence and ability to appraise music as well as their skills and experience of singing and playing instruments grows out from small beginnings in EYFS to Year 6 in keeping with our Christian Vision based on the Parable of The Mustard Seed (Mark 4 30:32).

Children are also exposed to music through our school’s worship times. During these assemblies, a range of hymns that are selected to coincide with the Christian calendar, are learnt by the children and performed in church services. Children with a passion for singing are encouraged to join the school choir which also performs during church services and related events both within the school and in the local community.

A separate listening curriculum has also been devised by the school’s music lead which sets out what music is played as children enter worship time.

Our Music Curriculum is separated into five key strands: singing, listening and appraising, composition, improvisation and performance. 

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